The Canadian Nuclear Society is hosting a conference from June 17 to 19 2015, on Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness for the Nuclear Industry. Since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011, and the resulting disaster at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, the need for comprehensive emergency response capability for highly unlikely radiological events has become a priority. In the three years since the events at Fukushima, nuclear facilities in every country have conducted systematic reviews of their readiness to respond to an emergency. This has resulted in enhanced capabilities. The conference will focus on the initiatives taken by the nuclear industry to ensure they are prepared for future events of all types. In addition to Emergency Preparedness, this conference will provide Fire protection insights into new technologies, equipment, and processes that are being deployed to reduce fire risk. PLC Fire Safety Solutions is actively involved with the organizing committee to develop an informative educational program. For more information please see the link below.
Canadian Nuclear Society conference on Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness